
The pillars of any educational institution are the teachers. The driving force behind a student’s achievement has been and will be a teacher. Despite changing times and the innumerable self-learning options, a student is complete and blessed when under the care of a committed teacher.

mLAC is indeed the cradle for the deservin

student. Over 200 carefully selected faculty members take upon themselves the onerous task of shaping the future of the students under their care.

If one thought that the job role of a teacher is the same at mLAC as elsewhere, it would be a gross error. Classroom teaching is just one of the responsibilities. Beyond the teaching hours, every teacher is encouraged to pursue myriad other roles in the institution. Writing papers, making presentations at important conferences, research and being part of key decision making bodies in the institution are other aspects of a teacher’s active involvement. However, the most crucial is perhaps the role as a counselor: the teacher provides individual attention to a student.

Every teacher has a strategic, well-defined career path. Like a leanly managed corporate structure, mLAC’s resource management policies reflect effective utilization of talent and generous compensation. A teacher over time, is expected to grow to become a leader as well. So, succession management is also an issue that is given long term priority. Teachers are provided differential knowledge and work inputs, so that they are ready when the leadership role demands them.

Since we live in changing times, teachers too must learn to adapt and be ready with the latest knowledge. Teacher training is a high priority area at mLAC. Every teacher, as per policy, needs to spend 5-7 working days a year, on training. Training is both domain-specific and managerial in nature.

Every teacher has adequate opportunity to showcase her/his talent and grow to fullest potential. The institution encourages teachers to stay in touch with state-of-the-art in their respective areas through opportunities to participate in international conferences.

Each department has autonomy. Members come in with a smile and go out with a smile. As a result, there is positive energy in the system. The initiatives come from junior levels since there is no culture of saying “No”.